Profile PictureJess Rockwell 🌷 J Rock Yoga

90 Minute Vinyasa Class - Twisting Detox & Core

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This is a class to help you twist out the bloat and strengthen your core from the inside out!  Twists build your internal tapas or "fire" and help to tone your abdominals.  This will help you build core strength and detox your body. We will begin our journey with a warmup, move through sun salutations, standing and balancing postures then cool down, finishing in Savasana with a whole lot of self-love sprinkled in along the way!

A little taste of postures that join us : Chair, Warrior III & Revolved Lunge

Level: Intermediate

*This video is a recording from my live-stream series. You can sign up for weekly live-streams on my website

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A detoxing yoga flow that tones your core! with twists and more

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86 minutes
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90 Minute Vinyasa Class - Twisting Detox & Core

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